Law Enforcement
Trumbull County Sheriff

The City of Newton Falls is served by the Newton Falls Joint Fire District. The district is managed by a separate district board.
Fire District Board
Until January 1, 1994, Newton Falls and Newton Township operated separate fire equipment and the Township contracted with the Village/City for manpower. Fire Services were combined into the NF Joint Fire District under the management of a five-member board. The Board is composed with one member of the City Council, one Township Trustee and three citizens. The Township and City rotate on the appointment of the three citizens.
- Emergencies - 911
- 911 Non-Emergencies 330 675-2730
- Sheriff Non Emergency 330-675-2508
- Fax 330 675-7023
- 150 High St. NW Warren, Ohio
- Records Request:
The Sheriff’s Office provides law enforcement coverage under a contract with the City of Newton Falls.
Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month at 6 P.M. at the Newton Township Administration Building, 4410 Newton Falls Bailey Rd.
The Fire District employs a Fire Chief and a Clerk/Treasurer. There are 35 part-time firefighters, 12 are paramedics, 2 are EMT-Advance and 17 EMT-Basics. The Fire District employs Part-Time firefighter/Paramedics & EMT’s 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
The Citizens volunteered as firefighters when a fire occurred in the early days of the community. The hamlet acquired a “Hand Pumper” in 1839 manufactured by the Douglas Factory in Middletown, Connecticut, which is believed to be one of the oldest in the United States. It was derisively called “Doc Porter’s Squirt Gun” since, as Mayor Dr. J. F. Porter was responsible for its purchase and some in the community did not appreciate the need for it. This Hand Pumper is now on display at the Western Reserve Fire Museum and Education Center in Cleveland Ohio.
In these early days the first volunteer to arrive at the fire station with his horse to pull the hand-pumper was paid $5.00 and this generated competition for the honor.
The Newton Falls Fire District was organized in February 1893 as a volunteer organization of between ten and fifteen members. Newton Township had its own equipment and contracted with the village for manpower. The NF Joint Fire District was created in January 1994 with both the village and the township appointing members to the governing board and sharing the operating cost of the fire department. In 1995 the fire department members requested permission from the Fire Board to begin operating Emergency Medical Services. This was approved and the District did not seek any additional revenue from the Township or City. The Fire Board did not ask its citizens for an operating levy for this service and total EMS calls for 1995 was a mere seventy-seven. In year ending December 31, 2007, the fire department responded to 660 calls. In 2021 the district ran a record number of calls totaling 2095.
Fire Apparatus/Ambulances
- 2007 HME Ahrens-Fox Engine
- 2002 New Lexington Pumper/Tanker
- 1987 Pierce Ladder Truck
- 2003 Pierce Rescue/Pumper
- 2008 Ford F550 Brush Truck
- 2017 Ford Explore Chief’s Car
- 2015 Braun Ambulance
- 2015 Medix Ambulance
- 2020 Horton Ambulance
- 1960’s 14’ Aluminum Boat w/trailer
- 2000’s Inflatable Boat